Chamber of commerce and industry of Vojvodina

Mar 25, 2025

Industry Association

The Industry Association of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina is the basic form of organization and operation within the Chamber for Chamber members whose main activities include energy and mining, metal and electrical industries, metal mining and metallurgy, construction, building materials industry, housing industry, chemical and rubber industries, non-metal industries, textile industry, clothing industry, leather industry, and footwear industry.

The Industry Association of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina performs the following activities:

It participates in the organization of public hearings on bills and other regulations in the field of industry

It organizes fairs and other events of importance for the industry

It represents the interests of the members of the Board and the Group taking into account the interest of the economy as a whole

It organizes and provides conditions for negotiation and meetings of business people in order to determine and take joint positions, make proposals and establish business connections

It organizes and coordinates lectures, seminars and specialized training courses for professional improvement of the members who are engaged in industrial production

It monitors and analyzes the situation in industrial production and proposes measures to improve the working conditions and operations of its members

It also performs other activities and tasks that improve the business of the industry

Matters within the scope of the Association are considered and resolved by the Association’s Board as the Association’s body. Regarding the matters it considers, the Association’s Board establishes positions and makes decisions, conclusions, and recommendations. It initiates initiatives before provincial authorities to regulate issues related to the industry.

SLOBODAN RADIŠIĆ JP “Transnafta” Pančevo – President of the Association of Industry Board

The email of the Industry Association is:

Groups of Industry Association The Statute of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina and the Rules of Operation of the Committee of the Industry Association enable groups to be formed within the Association as a form of operation of all entities that share the same or similar business interests and the need to harmonize mutual relations with other subjects and provide a joint creation of the economic policy and presence on the market. Within the Industry Association of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina, three groups have been formed:

This Group deals with a topic that pertains to the economy as a whole. Namely, the importance of energy is so great that corresponding topics are almost always globally significant. Issues that are of relevance to the wider professional community in the field will also be initiated.
The integration of energy and Mining into the CCIV’s Group originated from an initiative within the CCIV as well as renowned companies in the field, who felt that through the chamber system they should jointly conduct their economic policy and enable their presence on the market.
Through the chamber system, the interests of the Energy and Mining Group members will be jointly represented and protected by state authorities, local government bodies and other institutions of the system.
Within the chamber system, the Energy and Mining Group will be involved in public hearings during the procedure of law-making and passing of corresponding regulations that refer to the position of the companies in this activity.
Within the activity of the chamber system as a whole, the Industry Association will, in cooperation with the Energy and Mining Group, analyze the economic policy measures and be involved in proposing up-to-date measures for improving the operations of companies in the field.
Through various types of activities (consultations, seminars, education, fairs, etc.), the Industry of the CCIV will provide an organization service to the members to the Group.
The aim of the CCIV is to promote this perspective branch of industry through the Energy and Mining Group.
Professor Zoltan Zavargo, “ENEF Cluster”, President of the Energy and Mining Group.
E-mail of the Energy and Mining Group:

This sector has shown vitality and ability to prove itself in very serious markets, and the CCIV is convinced that it will stay the same in the future; accordingly, an initiative has been launched to form the Metal and Electrical Industry Group.

The Group will represent the interests of its members by establishing contacts with government agencies and other institutions that have impact on the business. A common aim is to create such a business climate where the economic entities will be able to demonstrate and confirm their quality, creativity and operate successfully on the market.

The group consists of company representatives and manufacturers dealing with the metal and electrical industries.

The activities and tasks of the Group are as follows:
– Improvement and harmonization of the Group’s activities;
– Reviewing and proposing views on issues of interest to the Group;
– Reviewing and giving opinions on bills and proposals of laws and other regulations related to this activity in order to improve work and business;
– Reviewing other issues of relevance to the work of the Group.

ZORAN PEKEZ VMC Temerin, Chairman of the Metal and Electrical Industry Group.
E-mail of the Metal and Electrical Industry Group:

The Construction, Building Materials and Housing Industries Group is a highly developed segment with a wide range of companies. It is a very dynamic market because their businesses are directly related to the overall development of the economy, the development of infrastructure, consumption and long-term lending. The Group has significant representatives of all three constituent segments of this body.

The Group will endeavor to maximally protect the interests of all its members by establishing contact with government authorities and other institutions that have impact on the corresponding businesses in order to obtain the highest quality laws and by-laws in this area. In addition, other important issues will be covered for the functioning of this sector, on which the development of a large number of other economic entities depends.

The activities and tasks of the Group are as follows:

– Improvement and harmonization of the Group’s activities;

– Reviewing and proposing views on issues of interest to the Group;

– Reviewing and giving opinions on bills and proposals of laws and other regulations related to this activity in order to improve work and business;

– Reviewing other issues of relevance to the work of the Group.

Mirko Trivunović “Graditelj NS” – President of the Construction, Building Materials Industry and Housing Industries Group

Email of the Construction, Building Materials Industry and Housing Industries Group:

The Circular Economy Council is an expert advisory body of the Executive Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina, coordinated by the Industry Association. Circular economy is a new concept of utilizing the Earth’s resources through new methods such as waste management and recycling, integrating them into the economy to achieve greater utilization of limited resources and ecosystem restoration. The ultimate goal of the circular economy is zero waste.

Tasks of the council:

– Discussion of issues related to integrating the economy and waste management system.
– Working towards improving the actual state in the areas of municipal and industrial waste management, hazardous waste, wastewater, and other issues related to the circular economy.
– Preparation of development projects in the field of circular economy.
– Organizing and conducting education on the topic of circular economy.

Vladimir Dragović from “DRA Group” is the President of the Circular Economy Council.

Poslednji vesti za udruženje industrije

Secretary of the Industry Association

Mr Zoran Trpovski

Secretary of the Industry Association

Phone: +381 21 480 37 86

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