Chamber of commerce and industry of Vojvodina

Oct 21, 2024

Services Association

The Services Association is the basic form of organization and operation within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina, comprised of members who are in the same industry, established in order to achieve common interests within specific sectors of the economy. In the Services Association, the members of the Chamber are organized according to their predominant activity. According to the Decision on the organization of members of the CCIV into the branch associations, the Services Association involves members of the CCIV from the following fields: trade, tourism, electronic communication and information, transport, banking, insurance and other financial institutions, creative industries, professional, scientific and technical activities, private security and other service activities, public utility services.

Activities of Services Association

It organizes and implements sessions of the Association of Services and groupings

 It follows and analyzes current developments in a particular sector of the economy, represents interests and proposes measures for improving the business environment and the conditions for conducting business activities

It organizes public hearings on the text of bills and by-laws in cooperation with line ministries

It reviews and passes reasoned views of the members of the Association to the organs of the Chamber on bills and other regulations and initiatives from the point of view of their influence on the conditions of business and development of certain activities

It organizes visits and participation of economic entities in trade fairs

It organizes business forums and B2B meetings in order to connect companies with potential partners in the country and abroad

It organizes education, training and other forms of professional development

It informs the members of the Associations on incentive and credit funds from domestic sources

The Committee of the Services Association is a body of the Services Association that reviews and solves issues from the scope of activities of the Association that are of common interest to the members of the Chamber belonging to the Association. The Committee of the Services Association of the CCIV comprise representatives of companies belonging to transport, trade, public utilities and tourism.

The Committee of the Association has 15 members.

Milan Vasovic, “Subotica-Trans”, Subotica – Chairman of the Committee of the Association of Services

Groups of Services Association The Group is a form of direct connection among the members of the Chamber within the Services Association, for the purpose of discussing and proposing positions on matters of their interest, while taking into account the interests of the economy as a whole. The Committee of the Association of Services has made a decision to establish five groups, one Council, and one Section.

The activities and tasks of the Group are as follows:
– Monitoring of regulations in the field of TDG and active participation in the drafting and adoption of these;
– Collecting and publishing information from the field of TDG in order to inform the public and to prevent abuse;
– Linking the Group with similar or identical bodies and associations in the country and abroad;
– Increasing the influence on the public through cooperation with the media and raising awareness about the importance of safe transport of dangerous goods;
– Exchange of experience on current issues by participants in TDG based on everyday practice, proposing solutions in order to overcome the problems that the participants in TDG meet.

Jelena Hodak, PR“ SAVHEM“ Novi Sad  – predsednica  Grupacije za transport opasne robe


The activities and tasks of the Group are as follows:
– Monitoring and analyzing economic trends and proposing measures for improving the working conditions and operations of its members;
– Proposing of amendments to the laws and by-laws in the field of trade and monitoring the effects of their application in practice;
– Participation in public hearings;
– Proposing measures of business policy that affect the business of enterprises / taxes, prices, quality control, consumer protection, etc.;
– Helping trade companies find new markets, new customers and new ways of working.

Spomenko Djordan, Univerexport DOO Novi Sad – Chairman of the Group


The activities and tasks of the Group are:
– Monitoring and analyzing the business of the tourist-catering economy;
– Organizing meetings of business entities in order to connect with business entities in the country and abroad;
– Organizing participation in fairs in the country and abroad and manifestations of special interest;
– Reviewing and proposing views on issues of interest to the Group
– Reviewing and giving opinions on bills and proposals of laws and other regulations related to this activity in order to improve work and business;
– Informing economic entities on the possibilities of using funds from investment funds intended for this branch of the economy;
– Organizing trainings in order to acquire specific knowledge, abilities and skills;
– Reviewing other issues of relevance to the work of the Group.

Boris Eremic, President of Kompas Tourism & Travel Novi Sad


The activities and tasks of the Group are as follows:
– Reviewing the current issues in the operations of public utility companies;
– Informing the members of the Group on compliance of regulations with the EU regulations;
– Providing information relevant to the performance of communal activities, privatization as well as education of employees for public utility activities (holding expert meetings, seminars, etc.);
– Reviewing and giving opinions on drafts and bills and other regulations related to this activity, in order to improve operations and business.

Snezana Djordjevic, Chairman of PUC “Zelenilo i cistost” Zrenjanin


The activities and tasks of the Group are as follows:
– Improvement of the quality of work in the profession and raising the level in keeping the books of business entities;
– Education of the employees of accounting agencies;
– Promoting the advantages of dual education in relation to classical education;
– Active participation in the formulation of proposals of solutions for changes in legislation and accounting practice through engagement in public debates, seminars and other gatherings;
– Organizing round-table and expert meetings.
Jovan Beara, 3D ART – Chairman of the Group


-The primary task of this Council is to raise awareness about the importance of preserving and improving the traditional values of old crafts, the intangible cultural heritage of Vojvodina.

-The development of entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly important factor in the overall economic activity of our country.

-The Council directs its activities towards creating a favorable business environment, improving the position of craftsmen and entrepreneurs, and promoting their products and services.

-The Council provides an opportunity for joint action towards achieving the basic status role and position of both entrepreneurs and their associations.

Slavko Novaković, Association of Independent Craftsmen of Novi Sad – President of the Council for Crafts, Traditional Crafts, and Entrepreneurship


-The section is focused on monitoring the implementation of regulations, initiating initiatives for their improvement, cooperation, and dialogue with the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank of Serbia, and other relevant institutions and organizations with the aim of improving the business environment in which banks, insurance companies, and voluntary pension fund management companies operate, thereby raising the level and quality of service required by economic entities.

-The section will enable the exchange of experiences and information in order to improve business practices, monitor current market trends, organize conferences, consultations, roundtable discussions, seminars, debates, and discussions on all relevant issues in this segment of service activities.

Dobrivoje Marković, DDOR Garant Ad – President of the Section for Financial and Banking Affairs, Insurance, Pension Affairs, and Funds


-The Section for Creative Industries aims to support the further development of the creative sector in Vojvodina in an efficient manner and to enable the recognition and representation of economic entities and individuals in this field. The work of the section is based on combining elements of creativity and business to achieve economic development and promote the economy and tourism offerings of Vojvodina.

-The Section for Creative Industries:

-monitors the implementation of regulations and initiates initiatives for their improvement and amendment of existing legal regulations

-enables the exchange of experiences and information to improve business practices

-advocates for the interests of economic entities and associations in the creative industries sector

-organizes conferences, training sessions and seminars, forums, and public discussions in the field of creative industries


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Secretary of the Services Association

Branislav Mamić

Secretary of the Services Association

Phone: +381 21 480 3716

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