Agricultural Association
The Agricultural Association of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina is the basic form of organization and operation within the chamber for Chamber members whose primary activity is agriculture.
The Agricultural Association of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina performs the following tasks:
It participates in the organization of public hearings on bills and other regulations in the field of agriculture;
It organizes fairs and other events of importance for agriculture
It organizes and provides conditions for negotiation and meetings of business people in order to determine and take joint standpoints, make proposals and establish business connections
It monitors and analyzes the situation in agricultural production and proposes measures to improve the working conditions and operations of its members
It represents the interests of the members of the Board and the Groups taking into account the interest of the economy as a whole
It organizes and coordinates lectures, seminars and specialized training courses for professional improvement of the members who are engaged in agricultural production
It also performs other activities and tasks that improve the business of agriculture.
Issues within the Association’s scope of activities are reviewed and dealt with by the Committee of the Association, the body of the Association. The Committee of the Association determines attitudes and makes decisions, conclusions and recommendations on issues under consideration. It launches initiatives with the provincial authorities for regulating issues in the field of agriculture.
E-mail address of Agriculture Association: poljoprivreda@pkv.rs
Groups of Agricultural association The Statute of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina and the Rules of Operation of the Agricultural Association’ Committee enable groups to be formed within the Association as a form of operation of all entities that share the same or similar business interests and the need to harmonize mutual relations with other subjects and provide a jointly created economic policy and enable their presence on the market. Within the Agricultural Association of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina, three groups have been formed:
Joining of vine-growers and winemakers into the CCIV’s Group came from the initiative of a number of distinguished winemakers, who felt that through the chamber system they should jointly create their economic policy and appear on the market.
Through the chamber system, the interests of the Grape and Wine Group members will be jointly represented and protected by state authorities, local government bodies and other institutions of the system.
Within the chamber system, the Group of Grape and Wine Producers will be involved in public hearings during the procedure of law-making and passing corresponding regulations that refer to the position of grape and wine producers.
Within the activity of the chamber system as a whole, the Agricultural Association will, in cooperation with the Grape and Wine Producers’ Group, analyze the economic policy measures and be involved in proposing up-to-date measures for improving the business operations of grape and wine producers.
Through various types of activities (consultations, seminars, education, fairs, etc.), the Agricultural Association of the CCIV will provide an organization service to the members to the Grape and Wine Producers’ Group.
BOJAN MANDIĆ Winery “Veranda”, Irig – Chairman of the Group of Grape and Wine Producers
E-mail of the Group: poljoprivreda@pkv.rs
One of the opportunities of the AP Vojvodina in primary agriculture is traditional production as well as organic production, avoiding GMO organisms. The advantages of this production are multiple because the products of Vojvodina farmers will be in higher demand both on the domestic and foreign markets. The demand for organic products on the EU market is high; therefore, 70% of the total organic food exports from Serbia do target the said market.
Bearing in mind further expansion of the area under organic products and the possibility of entering foreign markets, there was a need for the Organic Production Group to be established within the Agricultural Association.
The Group consists of representatives of companies and producers who are engaged in the production of organic products.
The activities and tasks of the Group are as follows:
– Improvement and harmonization of the Group’s activities;
– Reviewing and proposing views on issues of interest to the Group;
– Reviewing and giving opinions on bills and proposals of laws and other regulations related to this activity in order to improve operations and business;
– Reviewing other issues of relevance to the work of the Group.
Prof. LjUBINKO JOBANOVIC PhD, “Edukons” Faculty of Organic Agriculture Sremska Kamenica, Chairman of the Organic Production Group
E-mail of the Group:
Animal husbandry represents the most intensive branch of agricultural production, significant in many ways for both producers and consumers. This production is the basis of increasing the intensity of agricultural production and its development provides the basis for the construction of a wide range of processing capacities. The basis for the development of livestock breeding is crop farming and livestock production, as a higher stage of production, is also the driver of the development in crop production as well as in total agricultural production. By establishing the Livestock and Farming Group of the CCIV, an opportunity has been created for pin-pointing and possibly solving the problems in this very important branch of agriculture.
The activities and tasks of the Group are as follows:
– Improvement and harmonization of the Group’s activities;
– Reviewing and proposing views on issues of interest for the Group;
– Reviewing and giving opinion on bills and proposals of laws and other regulations related to this activity in order to improve operations and business;
– Reviewing other issues of relevance to the work of the Group.
BRANKICA KOZOMORA – Scientific Institute for Reproduction and Artificial Insemination of Domestic Animals Temerin, Temerin – Chairwoman of the Livestock and Farming Group
Beekeepers from the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina have formed a group within the framework of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina (CCIV) with the aim of achieving a unified approach to economic policies and market engagement through the chamber system.
The Beekeeping Group focuses on matters of interest for improving honey production business.
The tasks and responsibilities of the Beekeeping Group include:
- Discussing and proposing positions on matters of interest to the group.
- Reviewing and providing opinions on drafts and proposals of laws and other regulations related to this activity, aimed at improving work and business.
- Discussing other significant matters related to the work of the group.
Radomir Vlačo, a beekeeper from Sečanj, serves as the president of the Beekeeping Group.
Email of the Beekeeping Group:
OLGA ČUROVIĆ PZ „Industrijsko bilje“ Novi Sad – predsednik Odbora Udruženja poljoprivrede
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Secretary of the Agricultural Association

Mladen Petković
Secretary of the Agriculture Association
Phone: +381 21 480 38 24
Email: mladen.petkovic@pkv.rs
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